Leading the enhancement of "paper to money" capacity in science and technology R&D

It is a national strategy to accelerate the development of Shanghai into a science and technology innovation centre with global influence. The Second Plenary Session of the Eleventh Shanghai Municipal Committee called for the city's efforts and global resources to accelerate the construction of the Zhangjiang Comprehensive National Science Centre, to increase institutional and policy innovation, to promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and to rely on scientific and technological innovation to drive economic transformation and upgrading. The weakness of our short board is that the industrialization capacity of scientific and technological achievements is not strong, energetic and dynamic enough. The key to improving the ability of scientific and technological research and development to "turn paper into money" lies in the systematic and precise application of policies and the smooth transmission of environmental mechanisms that transform research and development advantages into industrial advantages.

        Accurately grasp the law of transfer of scientific and technological achievements

The transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements is an important engine for creating new industries and developing an innovative economy. Against the background of global technological revolution and industrial change, Shanghai is going through a painful period of transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. "Research is the engine", the real economy to go out of the high value route, the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, emerging manufacturing industry, the cultivation of pillar manufacturing industry, all rely on the "research" engine to start, in order to promote the emerging, integration of technology research and development in the field to the industry. Transformation.

The transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements is a process of creating a new value space based on the whole chain and all elements. The long road from scientific research to technological development to commercialization and industrialization involves a wide range of issues, and the key lies in creating an ecological environment conducive to promoting the transfer and transformation of achievements and optimizing profit distribution, value-added services, financial support and intellectual property protection. Smooth the transmission mechanism from technology to industry.

The transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements is a process of systematic integration and enhancement of the innovation capacity of different subjects. The key lies in whether the motivation of various subjects is stimulated and whether their abilities match each other, rather than just the transfer of technology use rights or ownership. A truly successful result transfer is the process of achieving a synergistic balance between "scientific research logic" and "market logic", and the matching of tacit knowledge such as R&D skills and know-how with market experience, thus forming the mutual cooperation and innovation capacity of multiple subjects. Transfer and overall enhancement.

        Stimulate the vitality of innovation subjects with "decentralization and unbundling".

The main body of the transfer of scientific and technological achievements lies in the enterprise, and the effectiveness lies in the perfect innovation system, in short, it is necessary to make the enterprise to make efforts, university institutes to work hard, intermediaries to give force.

Efforts will be made to give full play to the main role of enterprises. The concept of openness will be upheld to establish the role of enterprises in technological innovation decision making.
Enterprises should play a leading role in research and development investment, scientific research organization and the transformation of research results, and should play a leading role in the process of proposing innovation goals, allocating resources and organizing implementation. Support enterprises to enhance their innovation capacity, face the world trend of scientific and technological frontiers, build high-level research and development centers and engineering platforms, compile technical planning and roadmaps, gradually improve the independent technology system and intellectual property system, and especially promote enterprises that have the ability to do so to increase investment and maturation in the pilot testing of their achievements in a targeted manner. Enterprises should be guided to strengthen innovation management, supported in the research, application and promotion of innovative methods, and their capacity for technology management, research and development organization and resource integration should be enhanced, so as to effectively raise their innovation capacity and efficiency.

Efforts will be made to enhance the originality of institutions of higher education. We must significantly enhance the original scientific and technological capabilities of institutions of higher education, accelerate and deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and mechanism, "decentralize and unbundle" institutions of higher education, establish a long-term and stable support mechanism, improve the talent incentive mechanism, encourage and support scientific researchers to devote themselves to research, and allow ten years to go by without making a splash. It will also strengthen the supply capacity of technology transfer and transformation of higher education institutions, establish and improve professional technology transfer service agencies, introduce and train professional talents, and establish a market-oriented results management system that is in line with international rules, including results evaluation, results valuation and information disclosure. It is also strengthening the performance appraisal mechanism for the transformation of the results of colleges and universities, adjusting and reforming the "baton" of scientific and technological evaluation, refining the transformation of scientific and technological results as a performance appraisal mechanism for colleges and universities and research institutions, and focusing on solving the problem of insufficient motivation for the transformation of the main institutions.

        Addressing the "last mile" of outcome value realization

Fostering science and technology intermediaries. In promoting the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, specialized and market-oriented service agencies play an extremely important role, and are an important strategic support for the realization of the "last mile" of the value of achievements and for helping enterprises to enhance their innovation capacity and competitiveness. The development of science and technology intermediary service agencies is highly dependent on the improvement of the technology supply and demand market, the scale effect of practitioners, the openness of information resources, the supply of professionals, etc. We should accelerate the encouragement of market-oriented and professional service agencies. It is necessary to accelerate the development of market-oriented and specialized service agencies, form a gradual policy support path that guides entrepreneurship, fosters pilot projects and focuses on demonstration; promote technology innovation vouchers as a policy tool to guide the innovation needs of enterprises, nurture the market for technology services, and ensure that owners and demanders of scientific and technological achievements receive professional and effective services in the transformation of such achievements; and establish a training system for human resources in the transfer of scientific and technological achievements. Incentive mechanism, exploring the gradual training of technical brokers and market-based selection and employment mechanism.

Investing in deepening the transformation of government functions and management innovation. We will further streamline and delegate authority, innovate management and optimize services, and focus on cultivating transmission modes. To make room for what the market mechanism can achieve, and to make up for what the market temporarily lacks, we should make management in service, so that the main body of innovation, innovation factors and innovative talents can be fully active.

With the promulgation and implementation of the Shanghai version of the "trilogy" of transformation of scientific and technological achievements (Implementation Opinions on Further Promoting the Transfer and Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements, Shanghai Regulations on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements, and Shanghai Action Plan for Promoting the Transfer and Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements (2017-2020)), we are promoting the transformation of scientific and technological innovations into reality. The institutional space for productivity has opened up. Everything is ready and the situation is pressing. We must do our best to achieve a breakthrough.

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